Immigration Blog

November 28, 2019

ISAP – Intensive Supervision Appearance Program


ISAP Immigration Program In Portland

Many of our clients in deportation proceedings must check in with ISAP. ISAP stands for Intensive Supervision Appearance Program, and it is an alternative to detention. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) releases an individual from immigration detention, they will often continue to monitor the person through the ISAP program. This supervision can be conducted in various forms, such as using ankle monitors, scheduling in-person check-ins, conducting home visits, or arranging check-ins via phone calls. The ISAP program assists the US government in keeping track of where people are located and helps ensure that these people attend their court hearings. Most of our clients on ISAP have entered the USA and are applying for asylum.

A typical client on ISAP would be a female who entered as an asylum applicant. Rather than keeping her in detention, she was released with a GPS tracking device on her ankle. She has regular weekly calls from ISAP at a certain time and she must be home when the call comes in and monthly in person check ins. Sometimes she may even have a curfew. The biggest complaint we have about ISAP is the ankle bracelet. Clients say it’s uncomfortable. We’ve even had one client have a bad reaction causing swelling in the leg due to the ankle bracelet.

How to get out of the ISAP program

Often times, once the client has hired a Portland attorney, filed their asylum application, has turned over their passport to ICE, and has a future hearing date, we are able to make a request with ICE that the ankle bracelet be removed/and or ISAP monitoring be lifted. We have typically been successful with this request.

It’s important for those on ISAP to follow the rules so that they may later request the removal of the ankle bracelet and in order to stop weekly monitoring.

If you would like more information, Attorney Diana Bailey of Portland and Beaverton has over 25 years of immigration law experience.  Please call our office for a free telephone consultation at 866-521-6422