Immigration Blog
August 30, 2023
Family Reunification Parole Processes: Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba

As a way of reuniting families, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has introduced a reunification process for nationals from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Cuba. These applicants are the principal beneficiaries on an I-130 petition.
All applicants must wait to receive an invitation from the National Visa Center to be paroled. Unfortunately, this parole process does not allow an applicant to apply. Rather they need to await the time in their home country for the invitation from the National Visa Center. The invitations have begun to be issued in June of 2023. Only approved I-130 petitions will be considered and if the applicant is out of the U.S. However, not all will receive an invitation. The invitations will be in the form of a letter that gives step by step instructions of an interview or the necessary requirements. For instance, an I-134a must be completed for each beneficiary by the petitioner. This will be a determining factor as it will show DHS that the petitioner’s income is sufficient according to the current poverty guidelines of the affidavit of support. Along with this, DHS will complete an extensive security check on the petitioner and their immediate relative to be considered for advanced travel authorization.
If paroled, the applicant will await their time in the U.S. for their immigrant visa to be available. In addition, they may be eligible to apply for a work authorization card to legally work in the U.S. Typically an applicant that is approved can be in the U.S. for up to three years. However, this is determined depending on their circumstances.
These cases are approved on a case by case basis and there are certain factors that could deem you from being invited. It is important that you consult with an experienced attorney if you receive an invitation.
If you would like more information Attorney Diana Bailey of Portland and Fresno has over 24 years of immigration law experience. Please call our office for a free telephone consultation at 866-521-6422.